Pan African Public Health Association Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP)
What is the Pan African Public Health Association HCOP program?
The Pan African Public Health Association Health Careers Opportunity Program (hereafter HCOP) is a pre-admission program for underrepresented minorities and otherwise economically or educationally disadvantaged students seeking to enter a post-baccalaureate school of public health or allied health profession.
What is the Purpose of HCOP?
The purpose of HCOP is to support individuals from economically, educationally or otherwise disadvantaged backgrounds to enter a health profession by guiding them through the educational and financial preparation process.
What are the goals of HCOP?
HCOP has three primary goals:
- Increase the competitiveness of disadvantaged students so that they can compete more ably with others in the applicant pool
- ;Increase Matriculation of economically and educationally disadvantaged individuals into a graduate-level health professions program (including allied health professions programs);
- Increase Retention/Completion of of economically and educationally disadvantaged individuals from a graduate-level post-baccalaureate health professions program (including allied health professions programs);
To achieve these goals HCOP will:
- Help individuals from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to prepare for entry into the health professions, including allied health programs;
- Implement a tailored enrichment program designed to address the academic and social needs of economically or educationally disadvantaged students; and,
- Provide exposure to health professionals and opportunities for community-based health professions training, emphasizing experiences in underserved areas.
What strategies will HCOP use to achieve these goals?
HCOP will use the following strategies:
- IMPROVE TEST-TAKING SKILLS: Test-taking skills and strategies including helping disadvantaged students with GRE Preparation;
- INCREASE EXPOSURE TO HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: HCOP will exposure aspiring students to current students, recent students and alumni of schools of public health who matriculated from educationally, economically or otherwise disadvantaged backgrounds;
- INCREASE KNOWLEDGE OF HEALTH CAREER OPTIONS: Educating disadvantaged students about health careers, expanding exposure health profession activities and exposing disadvantaged students to health research;
- PROVIDE APPLICATION ASSISTANCE: Facilitating entry of disadvantaged students in colleges, universities and professional schools by providing application assistance;
- MENTORING: Providing counseling, mentoring, and other services designed to facilitate matriculation and graduation of disadvantaged students;
- ENHANCE FINANCIAL LITERACY: Dissemination of Financial Aid and scholarship information;
HCOP Eligibility:
To be eligible for HCOP an applicant must:
- Currently enrolled in (or a recent graduate of) a community college, a 4-year college/university or health professional school.
- Must be economically or educationally disadvantaged or experiencing financial hardship.
- Must be interested in a health career or the health sciences.
- Must meet additional HCOP eligibility criteria.
- Must possess a 2.5 GPA or greater (cumulative) on a 1.0 – 4.0 scale.
- Have a lap-top computer or regular access to a lap-top computer;
HCOP may also offer the following:
- Formal and informal opportunities for counseling, mentoring and group support.
- Help in reducing cognitive or attitudinal barriers to learning through discussion of educational, personal, and/or family issues that may impact academic progress.
- Educational and clinical shadowing activities.
- Monthly meetings/workshops focused on financial aid planning, health disparities, stress management, public health, etc.
- Group sessions with local practicing health professionals. May potentially include physicians, dentists, pharmacists, occupational therapists and physical therapists.
- A scheduled field trips and/or tour of health, public health and/or professional offices.
HCOP Application Process
A completed application should include the following:
- Completed and signed application (by student and parent/guardian)
- One-Page Personal Statement
- Official Transcript
- Recommendation Letter(s) from Mentor, School Counselor, Advisor
HCOP Program-related Fees:
Tuition = $150;
- Check: Make check out to Community Intelligence. Please Write PAPHA HCOP on the memo line;
- Cash App: Zelle; Venmo
Books: Kaplan GRE Prep Plus
- Book can be purchased on for $21.99 + shipping and handling on Amazon.
Total HCOP Costs:
- $171.99 = Tuition ($150) + Kaplan GRE Prep Plus Book ($21.99 + shipping and handling).
- Incidental Costs may include parking and/or costs associated with special activities.
When Does HCOP take place?
- Six Week Summer Program
- In 2020, Saturday July 11, 2020 and ends on Saturday August 15, 2020.
- 10 Week Fall Program
- In 2020, the first meeting of the program is on Saturday September 12, 2020 and the last day of the program is on Saturday November 14, 2020.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I submit my application packet?
A: Application packets can be submitted by sending an email to [email protected].
Q: Do my transcripts need to be official?
A: No. Unofficial transcripts will be accepted.
Q: How long should I make my personal statement?
A: Please limit your personal statement to no more than two pages.
Q: How long is the program?
A: The summer program is six weeks long. The fall session is 10 weeks.
Q: What day of the week will the program sessions be held?
A: The program sessions will be held on Saturdays
Q: How much does the program cost?
A: Tuition for the program is $150 for 10 weeks. The book costs $21.99 on Amazon + shipping and handling.
Q: How will I know if I am accepted into the program?
A: If you are accepted into the program, you will be contacted via email.
Q: Where will the HCOP sessions occur?
A: With the exclusion of field trips, all HCOP sessions will be held at Community Intelligence located at 4317 Leimert Blvd., #1, LA, CA 90008.
Q: How many students will be accepted to the program?
A: In order to ensure a quality experience, the program is capped at 15 students.